April 20

Finnish core curriculum – understanding of learning

The Finnish elementary school core curriculum
The core curriculum has been prepared based on the notion of learning, according to which the student is an active participant. He will learn to set goals and solve problems both independently and in cooperation with others. Learning is an integral part of individual development and building good life for communities. Language, embodiment, and the use of different senses are essential for thinking and learning. Alongside learning knowledge and skills, the student learns to reflect on their learning, experiences and emotions. The positive emotional experiences, the joy of learning and creative activities promote learning and encourage the development of skills.
Learning happens through interaction with other students, teachers, and other adults, as well as with the various communities and learning environments. It is doing things alone and together, thinking, planning, testing and evaluation of these processes. Therefore, the students’ willingness and cumulative ability to work as an evolve is essential. Students are also directed to take into account the consequences of their activities and their impact on other people and the environment. Learning together stimulate students’ creative and critical thinking and problem-solving skills and the ability to understand different points of view. It also supports the diversification of the students’ interestt. Learning is divers and tied to specified matter, time and place.
Learning to learn is the basis for the development of goal-oriented, and lifelong learning. That’s why the student is guided to be aware of their own ways to learn and to use this knowledge to promote learning. A conscious and responsible student learns to be increasingly self-directed. During the learning process, they learn, work and thinking skills, as well as to anticipate and plan for the different stages of learning. In order for the student to learn new concepts and deepen their understanding of the learning topics, he is guided to connect the lessons to be learned and new concepts previously learned. Learning new skills and knowledge is cumulative, and it often requires a long-term and persistent training.
The student’s interests, values, ways of working and emotions, as well as the experiences and perceptions of oneself as a learner guide the process of learning and motivation. The student’s self-image and self-efficacy and sense of self-esteem have an impact on what goals the students set for their operation. Encouragement and guidance that happen during the learning process confirm the student’s confidence in their own ability. Giving and receiving versatile positive and realistic feedback is an essential part of learning, as well as supporting interaction that broadens the student’s interests.”